Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fresh out of the press.

I got a french press for my birthday and now I'm like....Nescafe? I need a break.

If you're not familiar with a French Press: it's a little glass vase containing a plunger with a filter. You simply put ground coffee and hot water inside and bring the plunger to exert pressure and let it steep for about 4 minutes. Then you push the plunger all the way in and you have a brand new cup of brewed and super delicious coffee.
I'm totally in love with my new gadget (I used to have one a few months ago but it broke it) so I still have my coffee grinder.
There's no better thing than to a warm brewed coffee early in the morning made with freshly ground coffee beans.
The consistency of the brew is always a bit different.

I also got curious to see if there were any good recipes that I could make with my new gadget. I wondered if a little bit of a tea mix or some kind of infusion could be added to the brew.
A fellow blogger tried a Ginger, Lemon and Honey recipe that I surely would love to try:

It seems like a delicious idea for a the cold weather.

I wonder if a combination of ground coffee with coarsely grounded cinnamon would be a good a idea.
I know there's a similar recipe for cafe de olla, but we'll just have to find that for the next post.

Also, Starbucks coffee of any kind made in my coffee press. I can't remember if I've tried my own brewed Starbucks coffee but is on the list. Same with this recipe for a cappuccino:
Cappuccino Recipe

 Although, I really don't see the step where the vanilla is added, but I guess you can always add a drop to your milk any ways.

Today, I sat with my delicious brewed coffee and wondered which would be the best online colleges to apply to if I wanted to get my Masters Degree.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

An instant gem

I'm an avid coffe drinker.
My mom, my neighbor, my project manager and even grandma all agree that it's the only way to get out of bed and start a brand new day.
We are all completely addicted to caffeine and even by trying to quit we get a migraine.

At least, now we know coffee is good not only for our spirits, but also for the most part for our body. Some research suggests  that the benefits of caffeine tend to outweigh the drawbacks.

Today, we'll review a classic yet sometimes ignored magical hidden gem: Nescafe Clásico Smooth.

Usually, I'm more of a Starbucks gal. It was what got me through my retail work life.
I had a gold card and the people at my local Starbucks knew me pretty well and know what I liked.
But when deciding on a career change, I also had to consider cutting out my coffee budget and invest on a coffee press. This little gadget was marvelous, but highly flawed and I broke it within 3 months.

So now, I search for the best and most rewarding instant coffee and I have to say, that Nescafe Clásico is my favorite line of instant coffee (including Nescafe Cafe de Olla, which is DELICIOUS!).

Nescafe Classico Smooth is a more subtle alternative to the Classic-Classico (dont' mean to be redundant). It goes great by itself (black) but also tastes great with milk and sugar ( I use Almond Milk and Stevia sugar, to reduce the acidity a little bit).

It's aroma after serving with some hot water is very strong and wakes you right up.

I enjoy it quite a bit in the summer "in the rocks" with a bit of sugar as well.

This is originally a Mexican brand that has made its way into the US as the growing demand for more classic and full flavored (and less acid-tasting) coffees increased.

So, I'm a fan. Hope you become one as well.